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If you should come across an unfair deal, and feel aggrieved by the unfair trade practices that may involve the following e.g. goods or services not corresponding to descriptions; or delay in delivery; or dissatisfaction over service. You can approach and negotiate with the shop directly and if that fails, you are advised to lodge your complaint with the Consumer Council. Our staff are ready to resolve your case (with pursuable grounds) and help negotiate on your behalf – by way of conciliation.


You may use electronic form to lodge enquiry or complaint.

Enquiry   Complaint



Elderly Hotline

(852) 2929 2222


(852) 2110 2288

Office hours

Monday to Friday
09:00 – 17:30


Consumer Council Services Centre (North Point),

Room 1410, 14/F Kodak House II,

39 Healthy Street East,

North Point, Hong Kong

Consumer Council Services Centres

Please make appointment for enquiries and complaints at our Consumer Council Services Centres through the following link:
Consumer Council - Booking System


Office hours

Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00


Consumer Council Services Centre (North Point)

Room 1410, 14/F, Kodak House II, 39 Healthy Street East, North Point, Hong Kong

Consumer Council Services Centre(Tsim Sha Tsui)

3 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Legal Means


The Consumer Legal Action Fund is a trust fund set up to give greater consumer access to legal remedies, particularly for cases of significant consumer interest and injustice, by providing financial support and legal assistance. Through granting assistance to eligible cases, the Fund also aims to deter business malpractices and enhance public awareness of consumer rights.



Local Organisations

Equal Opportunities Commission

If you have fallen victim to discrimination, whether on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, disability, family status or race, you may contact the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

Any individual can launch a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data against any act/ behaviour in breach of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

Competition Commission

You may launch a complaint to the Competition Commission upon identification of possible contraventions of the Competition Ordinance

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

You may launch a complaint to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority if the bank did not handle your complaint on banking products or services properly.

Small Claims Tribunal

civil claims for an amount of below $75,000

Customs and Excise Department

shortweight, fake merchandise and liquors, spurious products

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

food products of deteriorated quality, hygienic condition of food business operations

The Law Society of Hong Kong

conduct of solicitors

The Medical Council of Hong Kong

conduct of medical doctors

Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau

insurance claims settlement disputes

Insurance Agents Registration Board

conduct of insurance agents

Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme for the Telecommunications Industry

To assist the consumers and their telecommunications service providers to resolve their billing disputes in deadlock by means of mediation.

The Estate Agents Authority (EAA)

A statutory body established under the Estate Agents Ordinance (EAO) to regulate the practice of estate agency in Hong Kong. If you have reasons to believe that any estate agent practitioner has not complied with the EAO, you may lodge a complaint with the EAA.

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA)

on matters related to Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Schemes and Occupational Retirement Schemes

Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority (SRPA)

on matters relating to the sales of first-hand residential properties.

Travel Industry Authority

On matters relating to the licensing and regulation of travel agents, tourist guides and tour escorts.

The Dental Council of Hong Kong

On matters relating to the registration and regulation of the dental profession.



Non-local Organisations

Cross-boundary Disputes

To strengthen collaboration in consumer disputes resolution, the Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the mainland, Macau and the below South East Asian countries. Under the agreement, consumers will be able to file their complaints to their local consumer body which will refer their cases to suitable counterparts for follow-up. The Consumer Dispute Referral Mechanism greatly enhances consumers’ rights and interests in cross-border transactions, including online purchases.

The Council has signed Memorandum of Understanding with the below  counterparts around the world:

  • China Consumers'  Association
  • Macao SAR Government Consumer Council
  • Korea Consumer Agency
  • National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
  • Consumers Association of Singapore
  • Thailand Consumers Council