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Consumer Council's Mission

The Consumer Council has persistently progressed with the times and are always one step ahead and forward-thinking in issues related to everyday life.

Consumer Council 50th Anniversary Celebrative Events

Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP (Chairman of Consumer Council)

The Consumer Council will continue to be consumers’ strongest backing and empower consumers’ self-protection ability. Let’s join hands to achieve “Smart Consumption ‧ Fuelling the Economy”.


Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP

Chairman, Consumer Council


Learn More  

Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han, Chief Executive, Consumer Council

We will continue to propagate consumption information both online and offline through popular and accessible channels, distilling complex knowledge into user-friendly formats for consumers.


Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han

Chief Executive, Consumer Council


Learn more 



Consumer Council in its 50 years






Click here for more videos.

Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman, Consumer Council

When it comes to the biggest change in consumption in the past 50 years, I would say it’s the payment methods. 5 decades ago, transactions no matter big or small were mainly cash-based, whereas nowadays electronic payment has become mainstream as we move towards a cashless world.

Each era comes with its unique consumption environment and consumption patterns. Since its establishment in 1974, the Consumer Council has continued to progress with the times and stayed close to the pulse of the public and society. By promoting and disseminating consumption information through diverse channels, the Council has firmly safeguarded and advanced consumer rights, becoming the trusted voice of consumers. We have also consistently advocated traders to operate with transparent and ethical trade practices, so as to create a safer and more reassuring consumption environment for the public at large.

In the half century past, apart from mediating disputes between consumers and traders, the Council’s research, tests and surveys on a vast range of products and services have also been at the top of the public’s minds, as these studies have provided consumers with comprehensive and objective information on every aspect of daily life, empowering them to protect themselves. At the same time, the Council has encouraged and called on manufacturers and traders to improve their product safety and service quality, as well as enhancing information transparency to allow consumers to make informed choices.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated every facet of modern life, overhauling the socio-economic ways of work and in turn shaping new consumption habits and consumer activity. AI is very much a double-edged sword — on the one hand, collected data provides a more personalised customer experience; but on the other, it influences purchase decisions and brings about challenges and risks to consumers that are exponentially on the rise. With a staunch commitment to safeguarding consumers’ welfare and rights, the Council is forward-thinking in its advocacy of consumer protection policies, serving as a reliable companion in every step of citizens’ consumption journey.

As consumer organisations worldwide face unprecedented challenges brought about by the new normal, consumer protection efforts must not waver. The Consumer Council will fulfil its duties and continue to be consumers’ strongest backing by staying current with the most critical consumption topics amidst the ever-evolving consumption environment, identifying the challenges, risks and opportunities within to enhance consumers’ self-protection ability. We will leave no stone unturned in our consumer protection efforts in the many half-centuries to come. Let’s join hands to achieve “Smart Consumption.Fuelling the Economy”.


Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP

Chairman, Consumer Council

Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han, Chief Executive, Consumer Council

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Council. It is my absolute pleasure to personally witness, and be a part of the Council’s golden jubilee milestone.

For many people, “Consumer Council” is not only a renowned household name, but also an encyclopaedia for all things big and small in everyday life — from the little things (in size but not in significance!) such as foodstuff and daily groceries, to medium-sized household appliances, all the way to major investments such as housing and property — helping consumers make smart consumption choices by providing practical consumption tips. Throughout the years, we have closely monitored the public’s consumption patterns and trends unfailingly, then conducted tests and surveys on various goods and services on the market. This has resulted in over 4,500 published reports that meet the consumption needs of different age groups and vulnerable communities, including senior citizens, youths, and people with special needs, placing consumer rights at the forefront of our priorities.

From product tests, service surveys to consumer rights advocacy work, we have created many collective memories in the past 50 years while standing by our principle of “consistently innovating and keeping close tabs on the public’s concerns”. For example, CHOICE Magazine published a groundbreaking product test on condoms in its August 1988 issue, which flew off the shelves and saw several reprints, ultimately recording an unsurpassed historical-high circulation of 73,000 copies. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Council launched a dedicated one-stop webpage to provide consumers with timely and reliable anti-epidemic information for free, produced a video teaching the public to make an effective DIY makeshift face mask, and later on developed and launched a “Search Tool for RAT Kits Approved for Use by Various Regions”, addressing consumers’ most pressing concerns at every stage of the anti-epidemic journey.

The Council’s work is much like the combination vaccines for newborn babies, an amalgamation of consumer protection efforts in different areas, including research and tests, education and publicity, advocacy on legislation, collaboration and partnerships, etc. which synergise to enhance consumers’ ability to protect themselves. We will continue to propagate consumption information both online and offline through popular and accessible channels, distilling complex knowledge into user-friendly formats for consumers to ensure this “combo vaccine” can keep empowering the public’s self-protection capacity even in the face of rapid technological advancements and other challenges.

Looking to the future, the Council will continue to push the envelope and spare no effort in its consumer protection work.


Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han

Chief Executive, Consumer Council

Mediation Week 2024 - Consumer Mediation Seminar

Mediation Week and Mediation Confernce 2024

E-commerce has significantly transformed the global business landscape by bringing shopping experience to consumers' fingertips via computers and mobile phones. Whilst e-commerce offers unparalleled convenience, resolving disputes arising from circumstances such as delayed or failed deliveries, damaged or faulty products, misrepresentation and even personal data leakage may be complex and time-consuming. In the circumstances, there is a growing need for a fair and effective mechanism for consumer dispute resolution.

This seminar explored the unique challenges and opportunities arising in the digital economy, and their implications for consumer dispute resolution. Our panelists also examined current topics including data protection and online dispute resolution etc with audiences.


Event Details:

  • Date: 8 May 2024 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 09:30 am - 12:15 pm
  • Venue: Function Hall, 1/F, Main Wing, Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong


Council Council 50th Anniversary Cocktail Reception

The Consumer Council’s 50th Anniversary Cocktail Reception has been successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 25 April (Thursday). The cocktail reception was officiated by The Hon John LEE Ka-chiu, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and Mr Clement CHAN Kam-Wing, Chairman of the Consumer Council. Over a thousand guests came together, including the Financial Secretary The Hon Paul CHAN Mo-po, the Secretary for Justice and former Council Chairman The Hon Paul LAM Ting-kwok, the President of the Legislative Council (LegCo) The Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen, the Non-official Members of the Executive Council, various government officials, LegCo Members, as well as a number of former Chairmen, current and former Members and Chief Executives of the Consumer Council, along with representatives of consumer organisations from different regions, to honour the Council’s golden jubilee.


During the cocktail reception, Council Chairman Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing announced that eCHOICE (the online version of CHOICE) will become free of charge starting from 2 January 2025. From then on, the public can view and download each issue’s content for free by entering the Council’s website. The Council hopes that the new arrangement will enable more consumers to access the latest and most objective consumption information more efficiently, empowering them to make smart consumption choices as well as promoting and realising sustainable consumption. Looking ahead, the Consumer Council will continue to fulfil its mission to protect consumer rights and interests, and to foster a safer and more reliable consumption environment and culture, sparing no effort in its consumer protection work.




Click here for event video highlights 

Consumer Rights Week 2024

Consmer Rights Week Activities

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Council and to leverage the World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March every year, the Council has successfully held its first-ever Consumer Rights Week with a series of celebrative events. The events aim to enhance the public’s understanding of consumer rights.


The Council owes special thanks to the staunch support of 23 supporting organisations, who joined hands with the Council to promote consumer rights through action.


“Consumer Rights Week” comprises a range of consumer education activities, including the family-oriented “Consumer Rights Carnival” to enhance the public’s knowledge on the consumer rights; “Fair and Responsible Use of AI” thematic seminar for secondary school students, 3 consumer educational talks jointly organised with various stakeholders targeting the general public or secondary school students with the aim of educating them on protecting their consumer rights.  Topics covered include the prevention of internet and phone scams, AI ethics, and financial management.

Consumer Right Week Activities

The 2-day family-oriented Consumer Rights Carnival took place on 16 and 17 March at The Wai at Tai Wai.   Around 50 Council members and supporting stakeholders attended the kick-off ceremony on the first day of the Carnival. 

The "Consumer Rights Carnival" successfully attracted over 4,100 participants and nearly 1,400 entries were received for the Carnival Lucky Draw. Nearly 90% of polled participants indicated that the Carnival had successfully raised their awareness of consumer rights; and above 90% expressed satisfactory of the Carnival. Through interactive games, participants had the opportunity to play to learn the essence of salient consumer rights, applying their knowledge of consumer rights to various aspects of their future lives!

For the first time ever, the Council gave away test products as lucky draw prizes, a total of 78 test samples under 5 product categories, that are deemed safe for consumer use, as featured in previous editions of the "Choice" magazine.  This initiative aligns with the Consumer Council's commitment to promoting sustainable consumption practices, hoping to celebrate the Council’s 50th anniversary alongside with the consumers.

The lucky draw result is announced.  Click here for more information.



*Available in Chinese only






Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Council and in response to this year's World Consumer Rights Day themed "Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers" set by the Consumers International, the Council held a Consumer Rights Seminar for secondary school students on 12 March 2024.  This seminar aims to help students to heed the artificial intelligence (AI) development trend and guide them to reflect on the necessary attitudes when using AI and its impact on consumers.


Ms Helena Leurent, Director General of Consumers International, and Ms Gilly Wong, Chief Executive of Consumer Council, both mentioned in their opening speeches that artificial intelligence is like a double-edged sword.  Proper usage of AI can be convenient to consumers and society, but on the other hand, consumers may suffer losses when AI was used improperly.  Consumers should pay attention to the source and accuracy of the data.  Four experts, namely Mr. Fred Sheu from the technology sector, Professor Kong Siu Cheung, Professor Gary Wong and Mr Albert Wong from the education sector, were invited to exchange their views on how to be aware of the benefits and risks of applying AI.  They advised students to learn how to use AI responsibily and develop the habit of protecting their own personal data.  In addition, students from St. Paul's Convent School presented their award-winning project (Title: Closet Cloze) that has adopted AI technology , with an aim of addressing the rising concerns of fast fashion and to raise awareness of nurturing positive consumption values.   There were 50 participants in this seminar.  Polled attendees found the seminar conducive to their gaining of a better understanding of the impact of AI on consumers and hence could better adapt to the digital era.



To raise public awareness and to empower consumers to protect their own consumer rights, educational talks covering anti-deception, financial planning and artificial intelligence will be held in collaboration with the Council's stakeholders and industry experts.



Educational Talk 1 - Be Wary of Emerging Online Shopping and Investment Pitfalls and Telephone Deception Cases


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Council and to leverage the World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March every year, the Council held the first Consumer Rights Week educational talk virtually on 11 March 2024.  A representative of the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) of the Hong Kong Police Force was invited to brief attendees about the latest fraud trends in Hong Kong.  Through analysing recent fraud cases, emerging online shopping and investment traps, the speaker explained the common practice of deception clearly to all participants.  Also, tips to identify fake pages, new phone scam and common deception prevention tactics were shared during the talk.  Nearly 80 attendees joined the talk to learn how to avoid digital traps and to move with the times to become smart consumers!



Educational Talk 2 - Digital Financial Literacy Programme For Youth 2023/24 Thematic Seminar – Basics of  Fintech


Invited by the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), the Council, alongside representatives from the Business School of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the financial technology sector, served as guest speakers for the “Digital Financial Literacy Programme for Youth 2023/24 Thematic Seminar – Basics of Fintech” on March 23 2024, to provide over 450 secondary teachers, students and parents with an insightful overviews of the latest developments in financial technology and digital finance.  The seminar provided useful tips to keep shopping online and online purchase of financial products safe and in check.  In the session titled “Dialogue with Experts – Shaping Financially Literate Youth in the Digital Age”, the Council’s representative recommended students to protect themselves against phishing traps and the fraud risk of generative AI, and encouraged them to cultivate good habits in protecting own personal data.  The speakers also advised students to assess their actual needs before making online purchase to avoid engaging in excessive consumption behaviour.



Educational Talk 3 - Don't be a Cash Cow


Financial Education Centre of Hong Kong Family Welfare Society hosted a special interactive talk for 200 F1-3 students from Ning Po College on 26 Mar 2024.   By asking thought-provoking questions and quoting real examples, Ms Ruby Yip, Financial Social Worker, successfully guided students to reflect upon the consequences of being unable to make ends meet, the risks of excessive in-App purchase, and to realise some common scams and online shopping traps, so as to develop proper financial management attitudes and skills.







  • Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) of Hong Kong Police Force
  • Artificial Intelligence and Digital Compitency Education Centre, The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University
  • Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE)
  • Catholic Education Office, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 
  • Catholic Religious Schools Council
  • Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) , Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
  • Christian Family Service Centre – True Light Villa District Elderly Community Centre
  • CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
  • Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) of Hong Kong Police Force
  • ELCHK Shatin District Community Centre for the Golden-Aged
  • Financial Education Centre, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS)
  • Fu Hong Society
  • Heep Hong Society
  • Hong Chi Society
  • The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
  • Hong Kong Education City Limited
  • Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Education Services
  • Information Gateway for Carers
  • The Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC)
  • Microsoft Hong Kong
  • SAGE Ho Sang Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
  • Yan Chai Hospital

(Not listed in order)


To commemorate the Consumer Council's (the Council's) 50th anniversary, the response of the Council's first ever "Consumer Rights Carnival Lucky Draw" was overwhelming!


The Council would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all participants. We extend our congratulations to the following 78 prize winners. The prize winners have been drawn with results to be notified through email or phone (SMS or WhatsApp) regarding prize collection details by batches.

Lucky Draw No. Position (click here)

Prize Categories


Prize Items

Lucky Draw No.

[see illustration above]

1st Prize:Luggage
(Total Winners:13)


Muji - Free Adjustable Handle Hard Carry-on Suitcase 75L



Victorinox - Spectra 3.0 Exp. Medium Case 611759






LOJEL - Cubo Medium



Samsonite - C-LITE



TUMI - 19 Degree Short Trip Expandable 4 Wheeled Packing Case



American Tourister - MAXIVO HO2*19002



V-ROOX Studio - 59-57-59338-01






Antler - OSLO Medium Expandable Rollercase (8W) A8620765



ACE - 0686409 Gunmetallic



Harajuku - 63-57-68222-14



ELLE - 25" Secure Zipper Hard Luggage 5127725-02


2nd Prize:Pressure Cooker
(Total Winners:10)


PHILIPS 飛利浦 - HD 2151/80



SPT 尚朋堂 - SMC500



Tefal 法國特福 - CY638D



Smartech - SC-2049



Primada 寶康達 - PC6600






Panasonic 樂聲牌 - SR-PS608



GERMAN Pool 德國寶 - URC-26



Proluxury 普樂氏 - PPC030060



Midea 美的 - MY6021D


3rd Prize:Hair Dryer
(Total Winners:11)


億世家ecHome - HD1700



Philips 飛利浦 - BHD538



Valera - Nano4Ever EQ



Babyliss - Rose Blush 2200



ghd - helios



Parlux - ALYON



米家Mi - H300



Dyson - Supersonic HD08



iLIVI - V8



Nobby by Tescom - NTID292



amika - SOHO


4th Prize:Air Circulator Fan
(Total Winners:4)


德國卓爾Summe - CF-S85RD



米家Mi - ZLXHS01ZM



樂信牌Rasonic - RCF-8YE



Origo - CF1515


5th Prize:Facial Toner
(Total Winners:40)


APIVITA - Tonic Lotion (Soothing & Moisturizing Toner - face lavender & honey)



APIVITA - Tonic Lotion (Soothing & Moisturizing Toner - face lavender & honey)



APIVITA - Tonic Lotion (Soothing & Moisturizing Toner - face lavender & honey)



BIOSSANCE  - Squalane + BHA Pore Minimizing Toner



BIOSSANCE  - Squalane + BHA Pore Minimizing Toner



CAUDALIE - 葡萄籽清新活力爽膚水Vinoclean Moisturizing Toner - organic rose water & vinolevure



CAUDALIE - 葡萄籽清新活力爽膚水Vinoclean Moisturizing Toner - organic rose water & vinolevure



CAUDALIE - 葡萄籽清新活力爽膚水Vinoclean Moisturizing Toner - organic rose water & vinolevure



Cetaphil  - 透亮抗敏爽膚水Brightness Refresh Toner



Cetaphil  - 透亮抗敏爽膚水Brightness Refresh Toner



Etude - SoonJung pH5.5 Relief Toner



Etude - SoonJung pH5.5 Relief Toner



Kiehl's - 金盞花植物精華爽膚水Calendula Herbal - Extract Toner Alcohol - Free



Kiehl's - 金盞花植物精華爽膚水Calendula Herbal - Extract Toner Alcohol - Free



SEPHORA - Clarifying Toner



SEPHORA - Clarifying Toner



Glycel - 活泉多元爽膚水Multi - Aqua Purifying Toner



Glycel - 活泉多元爽膚水Multi - Aqua Purifying Toner



Joseristine - 細緻毛孔爽膚液Pore Refining Toner



The Ordinary - 甘醇酸7%去角質爽膚水Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution



The Ordinary - 甘醇酸7%去角質爽膚水Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution



AHC - 玻尿酸補水透亮機能水HYALURONIC Dewy Radiance Toner



AHC - 玻尿酸補水透亮機能水HYALURONIC Dewy Radiance Toner



AHC - 玻尿酸補水透亮機能水HYALURONIC Dewy Radiance Toner



Hada Labo 肌研 - 卵肌去角質毛孔緊緻化妝水tamagohada



Hada Labo 肌研 - 卵肌去角質毛孔緊緻化妝水tamagohada



Belif - 尤加利清爽控油爽膚水Eucalyptus herbal extract toner



Belif - 尤加利清爽控油爽膚水Eucalyptus herbal extract toner



Curél - 深層控油保濕化妝水Sebum Care Moisture Facial Lotion



Curél - 深層控油保濕化妝水Sebum Care Moisture Facial Lotion



L'Oréal - 完美淨白爽膚水AURA PERFECT Clarifying & moisturizing Toner



L'Oréal - 完美淨白爽膚水AURA PERFECT Clarifying & moisturizing Toner



Collagen by Watsons - 彈潤保濕養膚水Moisturising Firming Toner



Collagen by Watsons - 彈潤保濕養膚水Moisturising Firming Toner



Bobbi Brown - 水盈礦物保濕水HYDRATING FACE TONIC



Bobbi Brown - 水盈礦物保濕水HYDRATING FACE TONIC



Olay - 粉潤抗氧精華水 REGENERIST Reviving Toner



Olay - 粉潤抗氧精華水 REGENERIST Reviving Toner



Innisfree - 濟州香榧調理爽膚水 Bija Trouble Skin



Innisfree - 濟州香榧調理爽膚水 Bija Trouble Skin


  • Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 58358 
  • Results will be published in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, The Standard and on this promotion campaign website



  1. This promotional campaign is organised by the Consumer Council (the “Council”). Participants of the Consumer Rights Carnival (the “Carnival”) who fulfill all conditions set out below in section 2 are eligible to participate in the Consumer Rights Carnival Lucky Draw (the “Lucky Draw”).
  2. To be eligible for the Lucky Draw, each participant must fulfill the following requirements (“Eligible Participant(s)”) during the period when the Carnival is held
      a.  A resident of Hong Kong holding a valid Hong Kong SAR Identity Card (“HKIC”); and
      b.  Aged 18 or above at the time of registration for the Lucky Draw.
  3. Eligible Participants must complete the following tasks during the Carnival to be eligible for enrolling in the Lucky Draw:
      a.  Complete and collect stamps from all carnival games; and 
      b.  Follow the Council’s Facebook (hongkongchoice) or Instagram (@consumercouncilhk) or WeChat account (消委會官方微信公眾號)
  4. Participants are required to obtain the lucky draw date chop, and complete and place the lucky draw section at the game ticket stub (the ”lucky draw ticket”) in the designated lucky draw box during the Carnival (16 March 2024 12:30pm - 8pm and 17 March 2024 10am - 8pm). Each game ticket and lucky draw ticket carries a unique serial number for identification.
  5.  Only the original lucky draw ticket will be accepted. Duplicates and photocopies are not valid.
  6. Participants are required to show the game ticket, valid HKIC and the social media account used to follow the Council’s Facebook, Instagram or WeChat account to the Council’s staff and its authorised production personnel for verification of identity and eligibility for participation.
  7. The information provided by the participants may not be changed and all information is subject to the Council’s records. The Council will contact the lucky draw winners using the contact information provided by them in order to arrange collection of prizes. Information provided on the lucky draw ticket must be clear and legible.  If any information is missing, false, incomplete or inaccurate and/or illegible, resulting in the Council's inability to contact the winner or verify his or her identity, or the Council is unable to contact the winner using the means of contact provided, the Council reserves the right to revoke his or her eligibility for receiving the prize and award the prize to replacement winner(s) without further notice.  The replacement winner list will be drawn on the same day as the lucky draw session.
  8. The lucky draw session will be held on 27 March 2024 and the results will be drawn under the supervision of a honorary registered accounting firm. Results will be published in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, The Standard and on the promotion campaign website at on 5 April 2024. Winners will also be notified by email or phone (SMS or WhatsApp). If the Council is unable to contact the winners within 3 weeks after the result announcement, they will be deemed to have abandoned their right to claim the prize. The uncollected prize will be given to the next winner in sequence on the replacement list.
  9. Winners are required to bring the original game ticket and prize redemption email and/or related SMS/ WhatsApp notification message sent to him/her to claim the prize in person at a designated location. During prize redemption, winners must present their identity document for verification (screenshots are not accepted). If the winner’s identity cannot be verified due to inaccurate and/or incorrect personal information provided by the winner or for any other reason not attributable to the Council, or the winner is not able to receive the prize notification or claim the prize, his/her eligibility will be revoked and the Council will not take any responsibility or provide any form of compensation.
  10. If the winner is unable to claim the prize in person, he/she must provide an authorization letter with a copy of the valid identification document of the winner and arrange a family member or friend to collect the prize on their behalf within the specified period.
  11. Each Eligible Participant can only win the prize once in the Lucky Draw.  The first prize drawn shall prevail and the next prize drawn will be awarded to the next winner in sequence on the replacement list.
  12. The Council may take photos and/ or videos during prize redemption, including but not limited to photos/ videos or relevant information of the winners. These may be used for publication, other promotion or publicity activities, or be uploaded to the Internet for public viewing. Participants who do not agree to such use should submit a written request to the Council upon receiving the prize redemption letter/ notification.
  13. If the winner is found to be ineligible or in violation of the eligibility requirements or the terms and conditions, the Council reserves the right to disqualify him/ her from prize redemption and refuse to award the prize to him/her. The prize will then be awarded to the next winner in sequence on the replacement list. No objection may be raised.
  14. In the event of a force majeure event occurring (e.g. any unpredictable reason such as inclement weather or venue related factor etc.) or for any other reason, the Council reserves the right to cancel the Carnival’s activities without further notice.
  15. All prizes cannot be resold or exchanged for cash, other products or offers.
  16. Pictures and value of prizes are for reference only.
  17. Each winner will be entitled to a test sample from past issue(s) of CHOICE Magazine. The Council is not the supplier or manufacturer of the prizes under the Lucky Draw and will not be responsible or liable whatsoever for any consequence arising from the supply, quality and use of the prizes. The prizes are provided on an “as is” basis and might entail varying degree of blemishes in its outer packaging. Products with opened packaging have never been used.  No warranties are included. The Council makes no warranties, representations or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, merchantability of any relevant prize or its fitness for a particular purpose. Any complaints or queries about a prize should be directed to its supplier or manufacturer. The use of the prizes are subject to the terms and conditions set out by their suppliers or manufacturers.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Council shall not be responsible or liable whatsoever for any loss, damage and/or consequences which may arise directly or indirectly from any use of the prize or its related services (if any).
  18. Participants are bound by these terms and conditions. The Council reserves the right to disqualify any participant from participating in this promotion campaign or prize redemption who fails to comply with these terms and conditions, and/or the Council has reasonable grounds to believe has participated (or has procured others to participate) in this promotion campaign by any unfair, dishonest, improper or illegal means, or has procured others to participate in the campaign for any advantage without the Council’s prior consent. The Council reserves the right to seek remedies against any conduct that interferes with and/or disrupts this promotion campaign.
  19. For enquiries, please email the Council at
  20. Participation in this Lucky Draw shall constitute the participants’ confirmation that they have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions herein, Personal Information Collection Statement and Privacy Policy.
  21. No person other than the Eligible Participants and the Council will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap.623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  22. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
  23. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version of the terms and conditions herein, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  24. The Council has the final and binding decision on any dispute related to this promotion campaign.

  1. Participants must provide the personal information required in the lucky draw ticket, otherwise we may be unable to process matters related to the Lucky Draw.
  2. The personal information collected by the Council will be used for processing the lucky draw, announcements of winners, contacting winners, verifying participants’ and winners’ information and identity, facilitating the hosting of “Consumer Rights Carnival Lucky Draw” and related public activities, and communicating with participants (e.g. announcement of results) relating to the event. The Council may disclose such personal information to contractors and/or third-party service providers responsible for the Lucky Draw. Otherwise, the Council will not transfer or disclose such personal information to any third party unless (a) the prior consent of the relevant person is obtained; or (b) as required by law.  
  3. All personal information, such as the list of participants, registration information, records of lucky draw activities and results, will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of this promotion campaign.  All information will be disposed of within 1 year after the campaign ends.
  4. The collected personal data will be stored and processed in accordance with strict safety and security standards, as well as the Council’s Privacy Policy ( To make a request for data access or correction, please submit a written request to the Compliance and Administration Officer of the Council by fax (2856 3611) or delivering the hardcopy by hand or post (Consumer Council, 22nd Floor, K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong).

  • If your serial number appears in the result announcement, you have won the Lucky Draw.
  • Winners will be notified by email or phone (SMS or WhatsApp) within 2 months after the Consumer Rights Carnival ends.
  • Results are published in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, The Standard and on the promotion campaign website ( on 5 April 2024.
  • All prizes cannot be resold, exchanged or replaced with cash or other items (in whole or part).



Honorary Accounting Firm: Fan, Chan & Co. Limited

  • Sir KAN Yuet-keung, GBE, CBE, JP
1974.04 - 1975.03
  • Dr LO Kwee-seong, CBE, OBE, JP
1975.04 - 1980.03
  • Dr Gallant HO Yiu-tai, JP
1980.04 - 1984.10
  • Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, GBS, JP
1984.10 - 1988.10
  • Mr Martin LEE Chu-ming, SC, JP
1988.10 - 1991.10
  • Prof. Edward CHEN Kwan-yiu, GBS, JP
1991.10 - 1997.10
  • Ms Anna WU Hung-yuk, GBS, SBS, JP
1997.10 - 1999.07
  • Prof. Andrew CHAN Chi-fai, SBS, JP
1999.09 - 2005.09
  • Prof. K C CHAN, GBS, SBS, JP
2005.09 - 2007.06
  • Prof. Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, GBS, BBS, JP
2007.07 - 2012.06
  • Prof. WONG Yuk-shan, GBS, SBS, BBS, JP
2013.01 - 2018.12
  • Mr Paul LAM Ting-kwok, SBS, SC, JP
2019.01 - 2022.06
  • Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP
2022.07 - Present


  • Macpherson CHEUNG Look-ping, Ophelia, JP
1974.04 - 1984.03
  • Mrs. Pamela CHAN Wong-shui, BBS, JP
1985.05.01 - 2007.03.31
  • Ms. Connie LAU Yin-hing, SBS, JP
2007.04.01 - 2012.11.15
  • Ms. Gilly WONG Fung-han
2012.11.16 - Present

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