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The following is issued in response to media enquiries on the issue of the current interest rate margin :- The Consumer Council has been watching closely the movement of the interest rate margin. The issue is related to the market structure of Hong...
Most "Pure Gold Card" Products Contain Only Insignificant Value of Gold; Like Other Gifts and Souvenirs, a Substantial Part of the Price Goes to Design and Craftsmanship All that glitters is not gold, so goes the saying. At least one "pure gold card"...
Stop Abusing Plastic Bags, Shop With Your Own Be A Smart Environmentally Conscious Boss, Don't Waste Plastic Bags The drive to cut down on the use of plastic shopping bags is forging ahead with new momentum this year. First, a total of 37 markets...
The Consumer Council welcomes Government's move to end Hong Kong Telecom International's exclusive rights in respect of international calls and to improve domestic competition by increasing the opportunities for other companies to provide domestic...
HKCC's first international joint test on 19 child car seats: how well do they protect a child in a crash, how easy they are to fit and the potential hazard of misuse The Consumer Council has joined forces with its counterparts in 10 European...
The Council has received 9 consumer complaints against the company during the past 6 months. The amount of money which the complainants have paid out totalled $5,430. The number of complaints - and the money involved - represents probably only a...
The Consumer Council today issued a warning on novelty cigarette lighters that pose a grave injury and fire risk to children. Over the past 2 years, at least 6 fire accidents were reported to have been related to children playing with cigarette...
Research on consumer policy issues, trade practices and legal protection will be the main focus of work for the Consumer Council in the year ahead. The research will provide much needed crucial information and data to improve consumer protection as...