Super: | The Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 Bait and Switch |
Smart Eye: | The Trade Descriptions Ordinance! Beware of Bait and Switch. |
Shop Owner: | Special offer for dried abalones! |
Old Woman: | Oh, it’s a good deal. May I have a look? |
Shop Owner: | How smart you are! Hold on please. She looks like a rich housewife. Let’s coax her to switch to the more expensive ones. Madam, actually that one is not that great. Let me introduce another best quality abalone to you. |
Old Woman: | I still prefer the one with special offer. Can I have a look? |
Shop Owner: | Forget about that! With an extra thousand dollar, you will have this abalone gift set. |
Old Woman: | Umh……well…… |
Smart Eye: | Tips from Smart Eye! Traders may commit the offence of bait and switch if they make an invitation to purchase a product at a specified price and then refuse to show or demonstrate or take orders for the product with the intention of promoting a different product. Be a smart consumer! To learn more, please visit the website. |
Super: | Enhanced protection for consumers Shop with peace of mind Complaints and Enquiry Consumer Council: (852) 2929 2222 Reporting Hotlines Customs and Excise Department: (852) 2545 6182 Office of the Communications Authority: (852) 2961 6333 (on broadcasting and telecommunications services) |