- Are fruit drinks necessarily more healthy than soft drinks?
- No relief on burden of textbook expenditures this year
- Concerns over improper CFL disposal with potential environmental and health hazards
- Consumer advice on postnatal care service for the new parents and newborn
- Be wary of vitamin and mineral overdose
- Public warned over unsafe electric fan
- A comprehensive test report on Bluetooth headsets
Chairing the press conference today (September 14) on the publication of CHOICE issue number 371 is Mr. Ambrose HO, Vice-chairman of Publicity and Community Relations Committee of the Consumer Council.
CHOICE magazine is now also available online (at https://echoice.consumer.org.hk/) and via fixed-line and mobile services of PCCW. Members from the media who are invited by this Council to the Press Conference may quote the content of this Press Statement. The Consumer Council reserves all its right (including copyright) in respect of CHOICE Magazine and Online CHOICE ( https://echoice.consumer.org.hk/ ). |