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Timely reminder on hazards of electric fans misuse - CHOICE # 369

  • 2007.07.16

The Consumer Council has issued a fire hazard warning on misuse of electric fans during the hot summer.

Incorrect and improper use of electric fans can pose severe risk of fire.

The incidence of fire accidents involving electric fans is relatively high compared to other household electrical appliances, according to information supplied by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

In the past 3 years, there were a total of 41 incidents involving electric fans, of which 38 resulted in fire.

The Consumer Council has this advice for consumers:

  • Electric fan should be placed on a stable position, with ample space for turning movement and heat dissipation.
  • Avoid objects getting in and obstructing the fan movement.
  • The cover shield should not allow children's finger to get in, nor be too loose and easily taken apart.
  • Check the power cord connecting the turning head to make sure it is not damaged due to prolonged use.
  • Clean the fan regularly according to the product instructions. Avoid dust build up especially outside the motor. Disconnect power before cleaning and avoid water getting in.
  • For safety, switch off the fan when leaving home.
  • Arrange experienced electrical technician to conduct regular check up.
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