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Hong Kong Customs arrests director of pharmacy for possession of anti-itching baby liquids with false trade descriptions for sale (with photo)

  • 2024.06.12

Hong Kong Customs yesterday (June 11) arrested a director of a pharmacy who was suspected of possessing anti-itching baby liquids with false trade descriptions for sale, in contravention of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO).

     Following a referral from a related organisation, Customs earlier conducted an investigation upon a type of anti-itching baby liquid with false claims of its composition. The product package shows in Japanese that there is an anti-itching agent, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, in the baby liquids. However, the test results of samples from the Government Laboratory revealed that there is no such composition present. 

     After a follow-up investigation, Customs officers yesterday arrested a 33-year-old female director of the pharmacy concerned. The case is still under investigation. The arrested person has been released on bail pending further investigation.
     Customs reminds traders to comply with the requirements of the TDO. Also, consumers are reminded to purchase products from reputable shops and to have a clear knowledge of the product details before purchase.
     Under the TDO, any person who supplies goods with a false trade description in the course of trade or business, or has in his/her possession for sale any goods with a false trade description, commits a criminal offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years. 

     Members of the public may report any suspected violation of the TDO to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form ( 


Hong Kong Customs yesterday (June 11) arrested a director of a pharmacy who was suspected of possessing anti-itching baby liquids with false trade descriptions for sale, in contravention of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. Photo shows an anti-itching baby liquid with a suspected false claim of composition.


Reposted from HKSAR Government webpage: