For safety inspection, OTO Bodycare (H.K.) Ltd. is conducting a voluntary recall of BIG FOOT BF-1000 Foot Massager that were confined to the batch manufactured on 23 October 2004, bearing the following serial numbers:
No. 3900004186 - 3900004254
No. 3900004479 - 3900004499
For consumers who have purchased BIG FOOT BF-1000 Foot Massager in Hong Kong with the above serial numbers, please contact OTO Bodycare (H.K.) Ltd. at 2549-4611 ext. 132, 120 and 115 during the office hours for details (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm; Saturday 9 am to 1 pm). Refund procedures and related issues would be handled by OTO representatives. Consumers could also bring along their product receipts and warranty cards to OTO Hong Kong's office during the said hours for processing.
OTO Bodycare (H.K.) Ltd. address:
Rm. 1213, Hong Kong Plaza
186-191 Connaught Road West, H.K.