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To be the trusted voice in striving for consumer betterment towards safe and sustainable consumption in a fair and just market.


The Council is committed to enhancing consumer welfare and empowering consumers to protect themselves. Consumers include consumers of goods and services and purchasers, mortgagors and lessees of immovable property.


  • it acts as advocate for consumer interests;
  • it facilitates constructive discussion and promulgation of pro-consumer policies;
  • it sees to empower consumers to help themselves.

This is to be achieved through initiatives directed at the consumers; the private sector; and networking with other stakeholders, such as the media and government.

The Consumer Council Ordinance prescribes the following functions for the Council:

collecting, receiving and disseminating information concerning goods and services and immovable property;

The Council conducts tests on consumer products to provide objective and unbiased information to remind consumers about product safety and help them make informed choices.


  • Test and Research Reports: CHOICE magazine publishes product test and research reports on a monthly basis. When products were found to fall short of the corresponding standards or regulations, the Council would promptly notify the relevant government authorities for follow-up and recommend manufacturers and their agents for improvements. 
  • Product Study Reports: Provides consumers with facts and verifies product claim
  • International Exchange of Information on Unsafe Products: Regularly exchanges information on unsafe products with consumer groups from other jurisdictions



In response to local consumers’ eagerness for information on various services, the Council constantly conducts user experience and price surveys on various topics such as infant formulas, supermarkets and textbooks, etc. for consumers’ reference.

  • CHOICE: Publishes reports on various products and services, and provides consumer with advice and view points
  • Website, social media and online video platforms: Release timely market information and the Council’s latest news across different media channels
  • All-round price comparison and consumer protection tools
  • Publicity programmes
    • Consumer Rights Reporting Awards
    • Top Ten Consumer News
    • 315 World Consumer Rights Day
  • Close liaison with the media: Holds regular press conferences, releases press release and addresses media enquiries

In its 1987 publication "Our Common Future", the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

The Council promotes sustainable consumption through product tests and dissemination of information which enable consumers to choose more eco-friendly products, conserve natural resources and reduce waste.

The Council strives to organise a host of education programmes, talks, workshops and training sessions to empower different consumer groups in the community, including young and senior citizens as well as persons with special needs, to protect themselves and acquire the practical knowledge for making informed choices and becoming responsible consumers.


  • Implements “Earth 2038’s Learning Journey of Sustainable Consumption” for primary school students
  • Organises “Smart Consumption Academy” for secondary school students
  • Trains retirees/soon-to-be-olds as educators for senior citizens
  • Supports persons with special needs to resist consumption traps in daily life


receiving and examining complaints and giving advice to consumers of goods and services and purchasers, mortgagors and lessees of immovable property;

The Council offers accessible services in pre-shopping advice and post-shopping complaints, and provides consumers with information related to consumption. The Council also acts as a conciliator to settle disputes between consumers and traders.






    Total (Cases)




    Pursuable (Cases)15,98220,21422,108

    Resolution Rate



    • Acts as a conciliator between consumers and traders: Should traders refuse to co-operate in resolving justifiable complaint cases, consumers may seek redress at the Small Claims Tribunal. The Council will offer consumers advice where appropriate. 


    • Exposes malpractices of traders by naming them through press conference
    • Co-operates with the Police and Customs and Excise Department to keep malpractices in check


    taking such action as it thinks justified by information in its possession, including tendering advice to the Government or to any public officer;

    Consumer rights should be protected by law. The Council keeps abreast of legal developments that may affect the consumers in the purchase and use of goods and services. We took the initiative to improve and protect consumers' legal rights by submitting our views in that regard to the Government and relevant bodies.


    8 Consumer Rights

    • The Right to Satisfaction of Basic Needs
    • The Right to Safety
    • The Right to Be Heard
    • The Right to Be Informed
    • The Right to Consumer Education
    • The Right to Choose
    • The Right to Redress
    • The Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment



    In 1962, the former U.S. President John F. Kennedy first introduced 4 fundamental consumer rights, namely the rights to safety, be informed, choose and heard. Nowadays, they are being expanded into 8 consumer rights that are advocated by Consumers International and safeguarded by the Consumer Council.

    encouraging businesses and professional associations to establish codes of practice to regulate the activities of their members; and

    The Council undertakes research on an array of marketplace behaviours to analyse their impact on consumer interests, and to encourage responsible trade practices and fair competition, thereby providing consumers with products and services of lower prices, wider variety and higher quality, as well as bringing greater economic benefits. 


    • Encouraging Responsible Trade Practices: Works closely with various industries in promoting Codes of Practice to enhance service quality

    • Responding to Consultations: Responds to consultation conducted by government or other public bodies on consumer-related issues

    The Council endeavours to promote consumer interests by working closely with local, mainland and overseas partners and stakeholders.


    • Local: We maintain close liaison with the Government through the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, which oversees consumer protection and competition policies. Besides, the Council's representatives serve on various advisory, regulatory or statutory bodies to offer advice to different sectors as a representative of consumers.
    • Mainland consumer organisations: The Council maintains close liaison with China Consumers Association through exchange of information, referrals of complaints. The Council also holds receptions for delegations from consumer organisations in different provinces/cities and provides training to them.
    • Regional and international collaboration: The Council was elected board and council member of Consumers International, a federation of consumer organisations comprising over 200 members from more than 100 countries or regions.

    undertaking such other functions as the Council may adopt with the prior approval of the Chief Executive in Council.

    The Consumer Legal Action Fund ("Fund") is a trust fund established through a Declaration of Trust executed in November 1994. It aims to give greater consumer access to legal remedies by providing financial support and legal assistance. The Consumer Council ("Trustee") is the trustee of the Fund and is advised by a Management Committee on the eligibility and merits of the cases seeking assistance under the Fund.